Ah, it is SO NICE to be home again. Even though it was great finishing a business trip to France by spending time in Germany with family and friends I missed everybody at home. At least I had some 'horsey activity' - I went shopping with my dad to Loesdau, one of Europe's largest tack stores. My dad sat patiently on a chair drinking coffee while handing out fashion advise for finding the perfect riding pants. Great fun!
JP picked me up at the airport, and the moment we drove up to the house the boys were waiting at the fence. It felt so good to see everybody happy and healthy.
Speaking of healthy: While I was gone Saumur had an appointment with Heather Brinkman (Sporthorse Therapy). Heather does the equivalent of Rolfing for humans. She worked on Saumur about a year ago when he injured his hip running through a gate, and the treatment really helped him. This time she found Saumur very tight and restricted, especially on the right side (the side he fell on).
Today Dr. Weaver, the Equine Chiropractor came. I told him that Saumur fell with Sandy about a month ago. First remark from Dr. Weaver: "But he must have fallen before" (due to the way his body was out of alignment). And yes, he was right, a couple of weeks earlier Saumur got scared on is way to be turned out, the person leading him let go, and Saumur slipped in the aisleway and fell on concrete. Dr. Weaver said that Saumur must have been in pain from this already (even though he wasn't noticeable lame). Saumur clearly enjoyed the adjustment, sighed deeply, and was relaxed. Hopefully we are now back on track!
Remy also got an adjustment as a follow up from his episode of 'growing pains'. He was a stellar patient, perfectly behaved, didn't even flinch when he got the acupuncture with B12 injections.
The boys are good to go - what's left to fix? The human! I will see my chiropractor tomorrow, too bad he doesn't dole out cookies like his counterpart for the equines.
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