JP and I are off next week - an entire week of vacation! Something most Europeans cannot understand, anything less that three weeks is not a vacation in their eyes.
The weather is not entirely cooperating, temps in the high 90s F (high 30s C), with extreme dryness. The grass in the pastures is dried to dust, and our hay man gave us the bad news that he is very doubtful about being able to harvest any second cutting hay this year.
With the extreme heat yesterday we decided to give the boys another day off, and headed first to the Ann Arbor farmers market and later to the movies and dinner. We both agreed that the film we saw was one of the best films ever "The Untouchables". A really awesome movie!
Today we got a head start on the heat, I brought the boys in at 5 a.m. for breakfast (they had spend the night outside, where it is cooler than in the barn), and we started at 8:30 a.m. with grooming and tacking up. While Chambord was sulking a bit ("work? are you sure?? I'd rather snooze!") Remy and Saumur were eager to get going. I am thrilled, because after two weeks off both of them were working really well. Remy picked up where we had left off, no problem. Saumur clearly is much more comfortable after the treatments, and he was soft and supple. For the most part, I kept it low key with him, but started practising a bit portion of 4th level, such as enter collected canter, x halt salute. At least we can enter correctly!
So... vacation... will we go back to work in a week like Chambord or like Remy and Saumur??
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