Last night the thermometer outside our front door showed 115F - 46C! This morning at 5 a.m. it was already 86F, with a forecast of hitting the100sF again. JP and I looked at each other over coffee, still sleepy eyed, and decided not to risk trailering the horses to our lessons. I emailed Sandy and re-scheduled to next week, in the hopes the intense heat will let up a bit.
As I was already up I decided to take Max and Jaas (our Viszlas) for a run. Yikes, aside from the heat the deer flies were trying to eat us alive. So much for the effectiveness of fly spray, except for smelling funky it did nothing to deter the beasts.
We are very fortunate, though, we have power and air conditioning. Our neighbors down the road have generators running, as the downed power lines still haven't been repaired. There is a live cable smoldering on a tree, hanging over the road, numerous calls so far only netted yellow tape "Live Wire" being strung along the road.
So, I guess it's time to tackle all the things I've been putting off, like sorting filthy horse blankets and take them to the laundry. Great, 12 stinky, heavy blankets and sheets in a car in this heat. Shows you how procrastinating for "when I have time" can backfire. What was this about hitzefrei??
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