Monday, July 30, 2012

A weekend that can be best described as "durchwachsen"

It means “so-so”, some good, some not so good. Saturday I trailered both boys to Sandy’s for lessons. Saumur was good, but to my surprise we had problems with our flying changes. As it was toward the end of the lesson and the next student had already started we couldn’t really focus much on it so all I could to was try to get a ‘somewhat clean one’ to finish on a good note.

The lesson with Remy was more of a struggle, I have a hard time keeping him in front of my leg going forward. After 30 min. of “forward – more forward – more forward - more round” I was quite frustrated. Also the saddle I have on trial seems to put me behind the movement. (Luanne is coming back this week to check/fix).

By the time I had everybody home again over six hours had elapsed and I was pretty exhausted, mentally more than physically. It bothers me probably more than the average person when things don’t go well, and I am over-analyzing everything.

Sunday morning I completely overslept (probably ‘thanks’ to the Motrin-PM I took). Luckily JP got up early and took care of everybody – on his birthday! Once I crawled groggily out of bed it was too late to hit the road again for lessons. I rode Remy in our outdoor arena, and after some initial ‘discussions’ we finished on a very good note. Then JP and I took Chambord and Saumur on a trailride, and the four of us had a lovely time in the woods.  The evening finished with a great birthday dinner at JPs favorite restaurant, which provided me with ‘lingering effects’ in form of a headache caused by white wine and champagne. Not exactly the desired ROI (Return on Investment)!

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