Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Countdown to Camp George - Do I have enough Nutella?

While my friends and family are getting excited for me about my upcoming trip I am ticking off the long ‘to do’ list. Yesterday Dr. Weaver came to give both Saumur and Remy an adjustment. I am bit worried about Remy’s sleeping habits and also his reluctance to go forward. Although I think I found the key to a “yes, Ma’m!” response – it’s called cracking the whip.

Monday night I was longing Remy and he was going around in his ho-hum way, not terribly motivated to reach out and go. Tired of working harder than he was I cracked the longe whip (not touching him, just making noise). Uh, uh, that just woke the boy up! And sure enough, we had a lovely forward trot from there on.

Dr. Weaver confirmed that Remy is fine, he needed an adjustment, but nothing major. He thinks that Remy is also going through quite a growth spurt (and subsequently wished me and Luanne luck with the saddle fit!). Saumur also got the ‘thumps up’, so another check mark on the long list.

I received a very nice email from Caroline, the farm owner that will lodge us. She refers to our stay as “Camp George Experience”. Soo, packing… I am really good at packing for myself, usually managing a week in Europe with only a carry-on bag. But the boys are a different story: Hay, Feed, Saddles, Bridles, Pads, Longe Line, Side Reins… lots of stuff for an entire week. Plus all my riding pants, boots, shirts, helmet, spurs – not to forget the paperwork (CVI, Coggins), and of course food and drink for myself! I’ll be far away from a Whole Foods Store, better stock up on staples like Muesli. And, most importantly, do I have enough (imported!) Nutella left??

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