Thursday, August 23, 2012

Nah, not my size - and does he have deer sense?

What a beautiful evening! The four of us (Chambord, Saumur, JP and I) spent the dusk hours in Kensington, marveling at the light rays coming through the trees and illuminating the trails. Just us – and plenty of deer feeding in the lush meadows.
On the loop we came across a bright blue jacket hanging on a tree. Previously Saumur would have done a startled jump, maybe even refused to go by. This time, he calmly took a look and then walked by it. When I mentioned to JP how surprised I was at Saumur’s reaction he joked “Well, Saumur checked it out and decided it just was not his size!”

On the way home we came across a curious doe standing right in the middle of the trails. She just looked at us like saying “Well, who are you? And BTW, I was here first”. She would not budge. So – Chambord to the rescue! As a quarter horse he’s supposed to have cow sense … but would he have deer sense? YES! Chambord herded the doe right off the trail. After all, she stood between him and his dinner waiting at home!

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