Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day X minus 1 - (almost) ready for take off

Luanne came yesterday again to adjust the Triumph saddle so it fit Remy better, and she also brought a Wave for me to use. I really appreciate the customer service: I get to take the Triumph to George's and decide afterwards what I want to do (keep it or order a custom Wave).

Saumur got to go on a trailride with Chambord today. It was another lovely outing on a warm, sunny day, not many bugs in the woods. Guess it's too dry for the deer flies. Saumur clearly enjoyed his outing, he even was brave enough to take the lead. Usually he just sticks safely behind Chambord: Let the blond one fight the demons on the trails first!

I'm always amazed at the risk some barns take: There is a place close to us that offers guided trailrides in the park. The people we met today where clearly beginners, clad in tennis shoes, hanging perilously on one side of the horse, camera in hand, NO helmets.

Remy's workout was in the outdoor arena. I think we finally found the right bit and that he likes the saddle after the latest adjustment. I've been trying different bits to find the right one. Over the years I have accumulated a collection of bits, and Dressage Extensions actually lets you test a HS bit before buying. Not a bad deal at those prices. Guess Remy's favorite is a HS Dynamic RS Eggbutt. Of course, it had to be one I didn't already have! Actually, ever since our equine dentist told me how he had to pry out metal shavings from a horse's gums and cheeks that were coming off a cheap bit I don't even think twice about cost cutting in that area.

OK, back to the to-do list: TSC (Tractor Supply Store), Tack Store, Grocery Store, Laundry, House Cleaning, Tack Cleaning, Packing the Trailer.... oh, and yes, packing a suitcase, too!

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