Saturday, August 11, 2012

OMG - Have I become a Groupie?

Pictures from a Righteous Brothers concert flash through my mind: Middle aged ladies throwing (over sized) undies on stage...

But back to the present: We had an excellent trip back, the weather cooled off, the rain had stopped, traffic was light even in the construction zones; andJP didn't get a speeding ticket the entire time he was in Ohio (!) - what else could we ask for? The boys stepped of the trailer relaxed, right into the reception committee consisting of Chambord, Teddy, Max and Jaas.

The almost four hour journey home gave me time to reflect on our week. I have to say this has been the best week riding - Ever! What really made me happy was that both boys took to the increased challenges like fish to water, they stayed relaxed throughout. During the week George pushed me along in a way that motivated me. He got me to believe that I can actually do this well - and it is not an easy feat to convince the over-achiever in me.

Being in the presence of a consummate professional like George is very inspiring. The man gives 110 percent in each lesson or ride, he is tireless, and keeps his pleasant and effective style all day long (wish I could do that!). I have not once seen him getting impatient with either a student or a horse. Yesterday for example he went to a show to check out the footing, went to Havensafe for teaching and training, drove back to the show for coaching, and after another long commute taught me an intensive lesson on Saumur, rode Remy, taught me  - and then worried that JP and I might have a late dinner due to the pushed back lesson times.

As a side note: I found it pretty exciting to think that prior to asking me if he could get on Remy George had ridden an international level young horse imported from Germany that was about -ahem- a hundred times (!) -not a typo- more expensive than Remy. I didn't expect George to ask me if "I would mind him getting on". They both had fun, and Remy received lots of praise.

So, hmm, I guess I might well be on my way to becoming a groupie after all. Good thing that my inborn reticence prevents me from getting overly emotional. So, George, no worries: I promise I won't throw my undies at you in the riding arena! I will, however, beg and plead for more lessons.

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