Friday, August 10, 2012

And we finished the week - with a bang

Our last two lessons today - and the boys put in stellar performances! Saumur had the best canter half-passes ever, we also worked on canter pirouettes, and had some good effort starting piaffe.

George rode Remy again to work on the connection and the canter, and then they cantered on both hands all around the arena. Today actually Remy was better on the right hand (while yesterday he was better on the left). George mentioned that this is actually a good sign, and common in young horses. George had me get on, and we were able to recreate the same good ride. Cantering Remy around the arena, soft and round, and on the bit was just so much fun. George mentioned that he'll have a "very good canter".

What an awesome week, it's like a big weight has lifted off me. Before I came here I had a lot of doubts about my abilities and asked myself if I even should continue with the dressage work (and not just stick to trailrides). No more doubts, I'm still smiling :-). The boys stayed happy throughout the intense work, not a spook in sight, they (especially Saumur) were as happy and relaxed as could be.

And my very French husband said to me at the end (in English!): "Give me Five"!

Danke, George!

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