Friday, August 24, 2012

PPTs - For Horses and Humans

Personal Performance Targets – well known in most companies. Dreaded by some, welcomed by others.

At work I tell my team that the Objectives are ‘live’ or ‘moving targets’. It means that sometimes there are factors outside the individual’s influence that prevent the targets from being attained. In that case one has to evaluate the situation and adapt or change the target.

That also goes for the horses. Saumur and I had the goal “Solid results at 4th level” this year. Well, due to his accidents and my work schedule, this did not happen. Instead, I adapted and set objectives like “Improve relaxation; have a successful training week with George”. We reached those goals and achieved a great deal of satisfaction. Changing the initial target prevented us from feeling frustrated.

While we currently have fabulous weather for trailrides I am already contemplating goals for Saumur and Remy to work towards during the winter months. JP compares it with “going back to college”. Currently the boys are at “summer camp”, with easy and mostly fun training sessions. But in order to progress all three of us have to get back to more serious training eventually.

Plan A for Saumur is still “Solid at 4th level”. If we can’t get there Plan B is “Performing a ‘killer’ 3rd level freestyle”. For Remy Plan A is “Solid training level”, Plan B the “FEI 5-year old test”. Taking the boys ages and training stages into account, I set the less difficult goal for Saumur as back-up, where for Remy the back-up is the more difficult one.
Of course, there are other important goals, too. For Saumur: Relaxation, Throughness, Collection. For Remy: Submission, Straightness. For me: Acceptance (I don’t have to be perfect!), mental strength and focus, position.

And while we are at it – suggestions for Chambord and JP: Less snacking, improve hygiene and grooming (less manure stains!), better listening. I’ll let you guys figure out what relates to whom …
Other than that – keep up the good work!

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