Monday, August 20, 2012

'Tis the season - for trailriding

What a weekend: sunny, 75 degrees, light breeze, no bugs = “Reiterherz, was begehrst Du mehr?” (Rider’s heart – what more could you possibly ask for?)

On Friday all four boys got a pedicure, and Saumur and Chambord also received new shoes. I asked Jim, our farrier, again if Remy shouldn’t have shoes, considering the trailriding we are doing. Jim assured me that Remy’s feet are great: “just look at them”. He’s right, but of course, overprotective ‘mom’ that I am… OTOH, less $$ for ‘mom’ to spend. Perhaps now if I could only find time for MY pedicure –

Saturday Saumur and Chambord got to enjoy the lovely trails. It was very relaxing. Saumur was getting his courage up and stayed next to Chambord the entire time (as opposed to sticking nose to tail behind him). He probably figured out the air was better next to Chambord than being right behind him.

I worked Remy in the arena, and encountered a rather petulant youngster. The time off last week did obviously not help. First he was sleepy, then pushy and demanding. Teenagers! Today I took the grouchy child on the trails with JP and Chambord. In the beginning we had to discuss attention and respect again. After I growled at him several times Remy finally focused and finished on a good note.

Remy’s attitude really reminds me of how my friends describe their teenagers. He might grumble and be defiant, but when you set him down and explain the rules he respects them (OK, that might not always do the trick for human teenagers). But bringing out a platter of cookies sure works for all!

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