Tuesday, August 7, 2012

And we are off to a nice canter - and a good night's sleep

The lesson with Remy built on (and continued) yesterday's exercises. George had me work Remy first in the walk, making sure we had an even connection and a good frame/carriage. We then did leg yields from the quarter line to the wall. Once that was well executed, the exercises (sans leg yields) were repeated in the trot. I was able to get Remy to move nicely forward, round and on the bit, both on circles and straight lines.

Then came time for the canter, a gait we have so far not spent too much time on. The reason being that the walk and trot work had to be more solid first. With that now under our belt - off to the canter. George made sure that we went into the canter from a forward, supple and round trot. It felt like so much fun! After acceptable canters on both hands, with soft transitions into the trot, Remy got to stretch in the walk. George made sure that Remy still marched forward in the walk.

Throughout the lesson George always reminded me to give with the inside rein, for two reasons: to reward Remy if he gave and also to see if he was able to carry his frame for a few strides at a time. We were even able to do it at the canter. With a young horse, it is important to keep the work challenging but not too exhausting. George wants to see the horse at the end of the lesson easily and happily trotting off when asked.

I told Caroline today that the toughest part of my stay will be for her to kick me out at the end of the week. I haven't been that relaxed in months, and I truly enjoy the entire experience. The boys are very relaxed, they probably reciprocate my state of mind.

Although, for tonight I am prepared: no chasing bad guys for me! Just thinking, if it really would have been an intruder last night, what would I have done - knocked him over the head with one of my flip flops? Pass the Motrin PM, please.

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