Thursday, September 19, 2013

A nifty little gadget - and what's bobbing up in front of us?

Kensington Park requires that all riders and horses be registered with the park office. In exchange for providing emergency information the park issues free bridle tags. It’s a great idea, should a horse become lose the rangers can look up owner/vet etc. But those tags are big enough to be easily spotted and therefore not exactly “Bridle” material. Lightbulb moment: I use a neck rope and put the bridle tag on it: two birds with one stone! It will help the horse balance without use of the bit and it holds the tag. Some more research revealed that “Balance Reins” (fancy name for neck strap, actually a stirrup leather will do the trick) are highly recommended.

What can I say: it works! Climbing up and down rather steep hills I put a hand on the strap instead of grabbing mane. It’s also much easier to hold on to than a “sissy strap” (the little leather strap right in front of the saddle). And in pinch, should a rein or stirrup break, it can become an emergency aid.

I didn’t need it last night, but I was glad that I had it: While going down the trail I noticed something white bobbing up and down. What was that?? Hope Remy doesn’t spook! I looked at JP and saw him already laughing. A closer look revealed that the “white thing” was a naked behind, belonging to the Human species! While Chambord decided to make a wide berth around the couple Remy had all intentions to check them out ”Hey, watcha doing??”. Conclusion: Remy is not only good with tarp, he can handle naked humans having a different kind of fun on the trail, too!

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