Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A surprising email - Saumur's gaze touched a stranger

I received a very polite email from a complete stranger: A German woman that had seen the photo of Saumur and JP in the German riding magazine “Cavallo”. She wrote that she was so touched by what she saw in Saumur’s gaze she felt compelled to contact the magazine and ask for my email address. Her specialty is management consulting, and she also teaches management and communication skills with the aid of horses. So, she very kindly asked if she could use the photo in her training sessions.  Now I was touched. For this  complete stranger to notice the unspoken communication between Saumur and JP is really remarkable.

Photo courtesy of Mathieu Boimare

The more I thought about how horses teach us non-verbal communication skills the more I realized how much the boys (aided by some excellent cowboy advice) have taught me. One of the first lessons I learned was “make yourself as tall as possible” – when Saumur was trying to run me over. You have to command presence, and really it’s the same with people. If you shy away and make yourself small you will not command respect. There are plenty more examples like that, and I completely believe that what I learned by dealing with horses has helped me in the ‘non-horsey’ aspect of my life. Instantly, leadership and also mentoring come to mind. OTOH, some things I try to refrain from transferring:  Being emotional for one (well, I said TRYING!)

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