Thursday, September 26, 2013

When the "threat" comes from above - and those darn half-halts

I had a couple of interesting rides on Saumur these last days. Tuesday’s trailride started well, until several hot air balloons quietly floating up over our heads, their captains choosing just that very moment to ascent – with the unmistaken help of lots of gas. The noise unsettled Saumur quite a bit, he couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. When that happens I feel like sitting on a black powder barrel just waiting for the spark to ignite the whole thing. Over the years I’ve learned to deal with it, and luckily the forest trail loomed ahead. Once in the woods he felt “out of the woods” (how’s that for a word play?) and by then also the balloons had sailed away gracefully.

Yesterday was the first lesson in a while, and I had been really looking forward to it. Ah, but then, “he’s Saumur”, having perfected the “I can lay on your hand” shtick quite well. When I think I have him on my seat and leg he’s still diving down, putting his weight in my hands. I have the Popeye-muscles to proof. Judy focused on having me getting him off my hands and onto my seat. Whew. I tend to give and take constantly, where really the goal is to be quick with the half-halt, even if it has to be strong, and then get light.

To top it off, Remy got send home from school today with the teacher’s note saying “Half-halts in a forward motion.. the better he half-halts from your seat and you use less rein the better he is – just like Saumur”. What, another one that needs my seat and leg?Judy’s job security = my misery J

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