Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I'll have a big juicy burger...

Nothing like an upcoming lesson with an Olympic rider to get you going. Jan is coming this weekend to Topline, and Judy offered me a spot. Timing isn’t the greatest for me, as the same night I’m flying out to France. On the bright side, having audited Jan’s clinics before, I’m sure I’ll be tired enough to sleep on the plane.

With two horses the question of course begged “who do I ride?” Ideal would have been a day on Remy and one on Saumur. That’s a no-go due to the trip to Europe, so who to chose?? And the winner is… Remy! It really forces me to concentrate on him, while my tendency is to favor Saumur. After all, Saumur is “my man”. That doesn’t mean I’m neglecting Remy by any means, but Judy training him the main part of the week allowed me to be less engaged. No more, I have to get my act together so I don’t embarrass myself, Remy – or, heaven forbid - Judy!

We had a good lesson last night, with Judy going into ‘prep’ mode, asking for more, more, more… More uphill, more engagement, quicker reaction to my half-halts, more bend in the shoulder-in, more accuracy in the leg yields, more and better transitions. How often can you ask for “more” and “better”?? I’m still struggling to make Remy listen to my seat and leg, and it was quite the effort getting him into the left lead canter. “Over and Out” is the goal, meaning get a quick reaction and then leave it be: No nagging! By the end of the lesson I was getting exhausted (it didn't help that I had to hit the road at 6 a.m. that morning, and was stuck in meetings the better part of the day).

I was glad that we ended on a good note, tired but good. I jokingly texted Judy “Next time I’ll have a big juicy burger before riding” (something I NEVER eat). My ride time with Jan is in the morning, so I can safely forgo the burger and just have a heap of Nutella for the additional oomph. Remy, you'll get some extra oats, and then:  We'll both be ready!

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