Monday, October 28, 2013

How tall are you? - And a surprising flashback to the past

Last weekend Susanne and I went to large used tack sale. It is always fun to see what’s out there. Last year I got some really awesome deals, a new hunter bridle with matching martingale plus some other things. This year it was small pickings, but I scored a new high tech measurement stick to determine height (in hands, inches, and meters). Up to now we more or less guessed the boys’ sizes, so I figured it would be nice to know for sure.

Here are the numbers: Remy = 16.1H (1.65m), Chambord = 15.3H (1.60m), Teddy = 11.2H (1.20m). Saumur = 16.2H – best guess

Well, Saumur’s height we can only guess. He’s a tad taller than Remy, so that should make him about 16.2. Very surprisingly, the measuring stick must have triggered some very bad memories in Saumur. One look at it and he freaked out, piaffing, trying to bolt, trembling. It was quite the surprise, as Saumur has been doing so well for a long time now. Nothing could calm him down, so we didn’t force it on him. Saumur has been with us for 13 years, and still, he gets flashbacks. I guess if he were human he would have needed a shrink – but then, as opposed to Chambord (who likes any opportunity for a snooze) Saumur wouldn’t like to lie on a couch!

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