Friday, October 4, 2013

"You pay a lot of money... to let go of control" - and a "Two for One" Deal

Last lesson before the ride with Jan tomorrow. By the time I got to the barn I was tense and stressed, and Remy picked up on it immediately. So to get us both into the swing of things I did some groundwork which settled both of us.

Our lesson was a continuation of the previous one, getting to “more”. We finished with a really lovely trots on both diagonals. The trot work is getting good, canter is still a work in progress for both of us. During the lesson Judy had to remind me to relax my shoulders, and really use them for the half-halts. That really helped a lot. The other area she ‘picked’ on was that I’m too controlling, I do need to let go. It’s hard for me to let go (mentally) when all day I try to keep everything together and under control as much as possible. (No need to mention that I’m pretty much a “Type A” personality!) So then I get on my horse and I’m told to be less controlling. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t mean that I am supposed to throw the reins away and let him go his merry ways – even though Remy certainly would say “yes, please, I’m a big boy now!” The idea is to give him the correct aids and then let him figure it out.

Yes, I’m paying a chunk of money for my riding lessons (which are worth every penny of it!) to learn how to be less of a control freak.  However, I truly believe it is a job requirement for excellent instructors and coaches to be also part shrink, so viewed from that perspective: We have a ‘Two-for-One’ Deal, or as the Americans say ‘Buy one – get one free’!

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