Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sometimes I just can't fake it - will there be a "Happy Ending"??

Last night was one of the worst times riding Remy I had in a long time. Not to find excuses, but my mind was racing around the upcoming travels (“how do I find time to ride???”) which literally take me out of town and/or country every week until almost Christmas. To top it off, Remy was not to thrilled to see me, it was feeding time and he figured out that he had to wait for dinner. Not a happy thought for him!

Remy was fidgeting while I was preparing him and not paying attention. My gut told me to longe him, but then I thought a bit of groundwork would to the trick. Well, it didn’t. Between him and me last night: It wasn’t going to happen, no chemistry. The more I failed to get his attention, the more I got frustrated. Having a huge warmblood cantering around us for what seemed an eternity didn’t help. To the point where I actually got off and said to Judy “I just can’t do this”. She’s seen her share of difficult students, so luckily she didn’t lay into me.

I know I should have faked it – confidence and take charge that is.. and Judy said as much. But sometimes I just can’t do it. With the last bit of resolve I was able to scrounge up I got back on, and finished on a somewhat decent note. Not a “Happy Ending” but not total frustration either.  The nagging feeling hasn’t left yet, though: Would it be better to find Remy a good home and myself a trained horse that I can just hop on and have fun with??

As always, Judy will support whatever I decide to do. JP not so much, he loves Remy and wants this to work. Deep down I know I would see the whole thing differently with less pressure – but alas, it is what it is. Guess for right now I have to work harder on the ‘faking it’ part. There must be a “Happy Ending” in there somewhere!

1 comment:

  1. Don’t beat yourself up over Remy. Think how far he’s come since you first got him! You’re a perfectionist and you have to give the kid a chance to grow up!!  Things will turn around. Look at what you did with Semur and everyone told you he was lost cause!! You’re just having a bad morning. (comment from PMC)
