Thursday, October 17, 2013

Improving one canter stride at the time – and should we dress alike?

First lesson on Remy after 10 days. I rode both boys at home on the weekend, and while Saumur was –for his standards- pretty laid back, Remy showed a bit of his feisty side. Just for good measure he had to throw in some bucks on the longe line, but then he was fine.

Tuesday he went back to Judy’s, and she reported a good ride on him. Last night then it was my turn. Still having the video from my lesson with Jan in mind I tried hard to apply the ‘lessons learned’. Judy told me that she and Jan discussed my ride also, and basically pinpointed the same issues. Ah, nothing like an Olympian and a Grand Prix rider/trainer pointing out your weak spots. Talk about taking “self-conscious” to the next level.

Remy was a good boy yesterday and didn’t argue as he sometimes does. While our canter departs still are works in progress the canter work itself was so much better. I was able to be quiet in the saddle, focusing on having him on my outside rein and keeping my darn legs on. Progress – one canter stride at a time. I’ll take it!

A rather ‘dangerous’ item of mail was awaiting me at home: the new catalog from Loesdau, my favorite tack store, had arrived from Germany. Ah, all the good stuff… and what every girl needs: matching outfits for horse and rider - hey, it beats dressing like your poodle! 

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