Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day - Is everyone happier with a job to do?

Judy, JP and I worked out a schedule for the fall that takes the boys' individual needs into account:

- Remy goes to school at Judy's Monday through Wednesday, comes home Thursday through Sunday for "track and field" sessions with me. That gives him a good balance between work and play.
- Saumur works in our ring and on the trails, and we do some "graduate work" with Judy
- Chambord and JP are mainly hitting the trails, interspersed with "alternate high school" classes

That way we balance work and play for everybody and take advantage of the Michigan fall riding weather. Remy is young and needs to get exposed to a lot of different things, besides continuing with his dressage training. Saumur is at a stage where he has reached his zenith, and the focus now is more on keeping him sound and healthy than moving him up. Chambord's goals are pretty straightforward: Be a good boy for JP!

I think everyone is happier if they have a job to do. Our two Viszlas, Max and Jaas, think their job is running through the woods, chasing squirrels; and defending our place with the most threatening barks possible. JP needs to have something to build (fences), tear down (fences, walls), fix (tractor) or cut (lawn, trees). I have to be physical active, preferably riding, otherwise I get crabby (yes, OK, I admit it).

Ah, but there is always an exception to the rule  - in our case Julius and Halle (our rescued house cats): No work! Snuggling, eating and sleeping is perfectly fine, thank you very much!!

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