After last week’s less than stellar lesson with
Remy (all my fault) I was pondering alternate avenues that could help get me
over my mental hump. Several years back I had a few sessions with a hypnotherapist
that helped me deal with the anxieties that developed after Chambord had
planted his hoof in my face, and Saumur’s panic attacks in the indoor arena were
getting almost unmanageable. I had instantly clicked with the therapist, and
low and behold, the sessions had made a huge difference.
So, Monday night it was time for a ‘refresher’
appointment. Not to go into too many details, but basically the session was
geared towards replacing bad memories (Lamplight!) with pleasant ones in the
subconscious mind. And I loved the ‘side effect’ of the session – deep
relaxation that stayed with me long after. Very neat! And of course, the proof
of the pudding came yesterday: Another lesson on Remy – and may I say it was a
stellar one J Big relief all around, that’s for sure!
Still glowing from that highlight of the day I
came home, not expecting JPs call from the barn that Teddy (our pony) seemed
ill. The poor little guy was obviously in a lot of pain, thrashing around, eyes
rolled back in his head. Quick call to my vet’s office revealed that Mike, our
regular vet, was off that night. The one covering for him recommended a dose of
Banamine. That usually does the trick in about 30 min, but not so with Teddy. I
got pretty desperate and called Mike at home, luckily he picked up my message
and came right away, armed with bucket, mineral oil, tubes and sedation. After
administering the tranquilizer and pain killer Mike threaded the tube through
Teddy’s nose into his stomach in order to pump water and mineral oil down.
Luckily that did the trick, subsequent night checks found Teddy drousy but
apparently pain free. He seemed fine this morning.
Note to self: Don’t complain
next time you are sick and have to throw up – having a tube stuffed down your
nose is much worse! Note to JP: Finding lots of manure in a stall is a good