Friday, December 27, 2013

"Don't ask another question if he hasn't answered the previous one"

Remy enjoyed a week off, hanging out with his best buds at home. But he went back to work without so much as a grumble. I didn't even longe him before the lesson, and Remy was still fine.

The problem we ran into was that he made me work much harder than he did. OK, obviously that's MY problem. Breaking a sweat in 20F for me is quite remarkable, usually I am turning into an ice sculpture at those temps.

Judy took pity on me (or more likely she was tired of telling me constantly to make Remy move off my leg), so she had me take my little jumping bat. Remy is not overly fond of whips, even though he never had a bad experience. I think he takes exception to the fact that someone would DARE to think he needs it.

A little tap on the shoulder with the bat was all the encouragement he needed, then Judy had me put it away to see if Remy got the message. Yes, Ma'am! So that's where the advise "don't ask another question if he hasn't answered the last one" came in. Meaning it's no use 'dying on the vine' trying a different exercise when he clearly is sucked back and not in front of my leg. Not going anywhere with that. Get the right answer and move on!

The little guy is also pretty good at reading my mood (they all do at some level, but both Saumur and now also Remy read me better then I sometimes like). I was quite sad because by sheer coincidence just before my lesson I found out that someone I had dated for five years (a long time ago, I was 17 when we met)  had unexpectedly died. Granted, it was a long time ago, but still... I never regretted that I ended the relationship, but I did carry a lingering guilt on the 'how'.

Perhaps making me work so hard was Remy's way of trying to get my focus back on him "Hey, Lady, it's MY time". This question has been answered.

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