Saturday, December 7, 2013

No "drunken sailor trot" for this loverboy - and glad I didn't call a 'Freeze Day'

Today's temps came close to my "cut off riding" weather. Usually at 20F (-6F) I contemplate not riding, calling a 'Freeze Day' for sure in the lower teens (-10C). However, during the week I hadn't had a chance to ride at all, so today I was more than ready to bite the bullet at 18F. And good thing I did!

Remy is just such a cool traveler, all you have to do is open the trailer door and point him to it. In he goes, waits politely for the doors to close and you won't hear a peep (or hoof banging) the entire trip. Perhaps he figures that if he travels well he gets to have more playtime at home. I am very grateful that Judy is so flexible and open to work with us on the schedule. This way Remy gets his own work/life balance!

Remy warmed up well, and the ride only got better from there. I remembered to "close the side door", meaning keeping him on the outside rein and not let him fall on the shoulder. That sure improved our leg yields. We were happily trotting along until.... soon enough, the bliss hit a hitch. Ah, there is just always something that will 'tattle' on you when the horse is not honestly between your legs and on your seat. Today it was a beautiful ray of light coming through the windows. I used it to practice center lines. Left rein: No problem. Right rein: Uh, where are we going?? Left? Right? It didn't take the peanut gallery (sorry!) to tell me that we had a "drunken sailor trot", I was almost getting seasick myself. Dramamine, anyone?

Obviously, I did not have Remy evenly between my legs and on my seat. As Judy pointed out, this is not something to be fixed with the reins. Several 'sunshine lines' later, and I got it (uff!). The icing on the cake at the end of this exercise was a square and straight halt on the bit.

Our canter work is also improving, I'm less tense and keep my position better. Thinking of some advise from DeKunffy really helped my position: "Lift your rib cage". I read this article some time ago and had to chuckle on how he put it that the old masters had no idea of 'Pilates for Riding', 'Rider's Workout', core strengthening exercises, etc. They positioned themselves correctly, for example lifting of the rib cage to straighten the torso. So I figure, if it worked for them - it sure can work for me!

Of course, our major improvements are entirely due to 'Judy's bootcamp' (and I mean that in the most loving way!).  Needless to say 'Drunken Sailor Trot' will result in several "give me 20s!"

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