Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Take your shoes off - and a New Year's Resolution straight from the judge

It's great to have the Christmas vacation. The boys are home until the 26th, then it's time for work again. Not exactly riding weather anyway, it was 9F this morning. But now the sun is out and the snow looks very pretty. However, pretty is as pretty does -- it's still 'saukalt' (the Germans will know what I mean).

Every year with winter comes: 'Take your shoes off'. I really believe that it is important for the horses to go barefoot in the winter. It gives much better traction on snow and ice, and the hooves get a chance to grow naturally. Of course, it all depends on the horses and the quality of their hooves. No use forcing crumbling and cracking hooves to go 'naked'. We are fortunate in that all our guys have really good feet, the only one that sometimes throws a shoe or gets cracks is Chambord, but what can I say - He's blond :-)! 

We were at a lovely Christmas party the other day (thanks, Minde!) and I got to chat some eminent veterinarians from Michigan State University. One of the top researchers told me that her horses have been barefoot for 15 years; and she competes up to Grand Prix. 

Oh, and I got a great piece of advice from Maryal, an USDF "C" and USEF "S" judge. She happened to be one of the judges at Lamplight. With a twinkle in her eye she said: "Next time, Birgit, stay in the ring!" Yes, Maryal, that is indeed my intention! It was all in great fun though, and we had a good laugh. 

So, I've got a New Year's Resolution that's way more helpful than "eat less chocolate" (which I wouldn't do anyway).

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