Sunday, December 1, 2013

"Schoolmaster?... Active Retirement??" - "I'll give you 'Schoolmaster' and 'Retirement!'"

What a wonderful week! I hardly ever have an entire week off, so it was absolutely great to have this Thanksgiving week to do the things I love. The week started with our trip to Chicago and the German Consulate - and yes, now I am the proud holder of the coveted "Beibehaltungsgenehmigung", which means I received the document stating that the German government grants me the right to have dual citizenship.We also had time to explore the Field Museum and enjoy a lovely dinner at "Le Petit Paris".

Back home it was spending lots of quality time with the boys - and yes, JP, that includes the two-legged one ;-). Oh, and let's not forget the lone girl in the equation: Jaas. She and Max got their daily extended run through the woods, which all three of us thoroughly enjoyed.

Judy fit me into her busy schedule with several lessons. Friday and Saturday I had two lessons each day, which was exhausting but also a fabulous learning experience. Remy is coming along so nicely, it is a treat to ride him. And then... Saumur. What can I say? Friday he started really worried, breathing heavily, and I wasn't sure what to expect. Luckily he calmed down quickly, and worked well, no spook in sight.

The big surprise was yesterday's lesson with Saumur. It was one of the best rides I ever had on him! He was on the aids, on my seat, light and easy. It truly felt like a dance. It had us all flummoxed, and Judy jokingly asked  "Where did you find that horse??". "Umh, in my backyard :-)"! It made me think of the DVDs featuring a German trainer: "Scrape off the mud and ride Grand Prix". OK, maybe not Grand Prix, but you get the gist.

It was like Saumur wanted to show me what he thinks about 'retirement' - he definitely doesn't want to be in the 'senior citizen' bracket yet. No AARP membership for him!

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