Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Icy temps and 'pushy playtime' make a little renegade

Argh, Michigan winter. Yes, I know, can't change it, so don't complain. But after spending altogether more than 5 hours yesterday in frigid conditions, I have to seriously catch myself not to whine.

I was bundled up and poised for my rides on Remy and Saumur, with the saddle tryout for Chambord thrown in for good measure. Ah, the best laid plans.. My little guy had other ideas, from the beginning Remy was argumentative and tried to push me around. He felt like he was looking for an excuse to loosen up with some serious bucks. So Judy and I decided it would be best to put him on the longeline. I had thought about it because of the cold but then Remy was so good the last days that it didn't seem necessary.

Well, he sure was forward on the longeline. Initially he blew through my half-halts and voice commands, all he wanted to do was canter. It took him a good 30 min. to blow off enough steam. I am careful not to let him buck on the longeline, while some people think it might help getting the kinks out I want my horses to understand that work is work, and bucking is not allowed when I am working with them. There is a time and a place for everything, and in this case: Take it to the turnout, guys! Speaking of turnout... seems Remy was seriously bossing Saumur around during the turnout in the morning, so that even got him more full of himself. Note to Remy: I am NOT a pushover as Saumur -- and don't even think about trying it with "Aunt Jude"!

After Remy's longing session finished on a good note, Judy offered to get on. And Wow: "The Little Renegade has left the arena" - Remy was as good as could be (OK, yes, he is also very smart and doesn't pick the wrong person to play the 'pushing game'). It really was a joy watching them.

By the time Remy was tucked back into his stall with treats I had turned into an icicle, and we still had the saddle to try for Chambord, and Saumur needed his exercise, too. Make a long story short: The saddle was great for Chambord, but didn't fit JP. Bummer. By the time I got to Saumur all I had left in me was putting him on the longeline. And wouldn't you know it, my 'Active Retiree' had as much fun playing as the 'Little Renegade'.

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