Thursday, January 2, 2014

HAPPY NEW YEAR - Trying to save a chicken instead of riding

It's a winter wonderland - with freezing temps and constant snow fall.

So, the boys had a day off yesterday. I took the Max and Jaas (our Viszlas) out for a run in the park. As they are very good at staying with me (um, most of the time..) I let them run off leash - yes, against the rules, I know. But they have so much fun, and besides, these are very athletic and strong dogs. Combined, they outweigh me, and it has happened that when I leashed them they pulled me right off my feet right and face first in the snow, much to the delight of the people we encountered.

On the way back the dogs were quite a way in front of me. I heard some squawking and barking, and thought "oh, sh.t, hope they didn't get a pheasant". These are bird dogs, after all. I immediately called them off and went to check. It was a chicken! A beautiful, well fed, domestic chicken. It was no worse for the wear, just a couple of feathers missing. Now what? Picking the chicken up didn't seem to be such a hot idea, it might decide I'm worse than the dogs and defend itself with its beak.

So I ran the dogs home, got JP out from the shower and into the truck in our quest (OK, more precisely, MY quest) to "save the chicken". Alas, it had gone. I even went back with the dogs later in the afternoon, hoping they would find it again, but no luck. Hopefully, it went home on its own. I was a bit disappointed, by no means a fan of chicken I still thought:  We have a barn, we could have housed the chicken! And perhaps changed the farm name to "Our Ark" --

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