Wednesday, January 8, 2014

"Earth to Remy" - and pass the wormer, please

-39F windchills = No turnout. I seriously bundled up, slipped and inched my truck towards Judy’s. Nothing like black ice to make the drive a bit more interesting!

The boys were eager to get out of their stalls. They reminded me of a bunch of bored kids that are forced to stay home with nothing much to do. I took Remy first into the indoor, and put him on the longe line. He started sedately enough, but at the first noise he heard the rocket launcher kicked in. Yihaa! I couldn’t blame him for it, he clearly needed an outlet for all his pent-up energy. After a while though, it was “Earth to Remy”, and luckily he listened to “Houston” – uh, “Clarkston” that is, and finished on a good note. I took him on a long handwalk afterwards.

Saumur had only one thing in mind: Roll – and then roll some more. He didn’t take off like the kid, but still was happy to get the kinks out. More handwalking for him.

Ah, and the “crème de la crème“ for the day: Worming. We don’t worm often, the necessity is usually determined by fecal counts (evidence of worm eggs in the manure). About twice a year everyone gets a dose of medicine at the same time.

My mission-accomplished note to Judy: “Boys plus my coat were wormed successfully”!

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