Monday, January 20, 2014

A very 'mixed bag weekend' - time to break out the emergency chocolate

Saturday I had an absolutely great ride on Remy; I could really feel the harmony of us moving together. My ride on Saumur was a good one, too. Despite the cold the endorphins were happily cruising through my system, providing a “high without chocolate”.

Unfortunately, the cruising came to a rather abrupt stop on Sunday. Gusty winds were blowing, making for scary noises in the indoor arena. (And no, Jude, it didn’t help you mentioning that once a roof panel flew off!). Saumur, always one to worry about anything, jumped at the first noise. Then he blocked his neck and I was ‘SOL’. VERY frustrating, because it was the first time in weeks that I had a lesson on Saumur, and I had been really looking forward to it. Alas, it was not to be, so I asked Judy to be excused. Yes, as much as I loath to admit it, I was tired – tired of struggling, tired of the spooking, tired of forcing him to focus. I’ve been on the fence for a long time now regarding Saumur, and I guess it’s really time to call it quits – quits with serious work that is.

With the howling winds still going strong I decided to just longe Remy – which proved to be the smart decision as I promptly had another “Oh, sh*t!” experience. Remy was bucking and bolting as I’ve never seen him do before. All I could do was trying to stay on my feet and hang on to him. I saw two of Judy’s clients watching through the windows, motioning that they’d be ready to come to my rescue. Thanks, Ladies! Remy finally settled down. I think he did surprise himself as he was completely subdued afterwards, following me around like the puppy he usually is. But sure enough, the thought crossed my mind “What if he does that under saddle??? – I’d be flying up to the rafters!”

On that cheerful thought: Time to break out the emergency chocolate. Thanks to the care parcels from Stephanie (aka The Chocolate Fairy) I have a choice of meds: Ritter Sport Rum Trauben Nuss (for smaller issues; contains Rum), and Lindt Kirschwasser (for tough days; contains brandy). It definitely was a Kirschwasser Day!

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