Saturday, January 11, 2014

Saumur and JP have the same 'Like' - good to know!

The extreme cold sure did not help Saumur with his stiff joints. While he is not lame, his age is catching up with him. Of course, Saumur is on the highest dose of joint supplements, and he has also had Adequan injections. With Adequan still being limited/back-ordered, Judy and some of her clients recommended we try Polyglycan, which is given IV by the vet. I did some research and thought, well, let's give it a try.

With Saumur's history, shots are not an easy thing to do. Well, if you would have been bled (blood letting to make you weaker and thus more manageable) you wouldn't let anybody near your veins either! Especially with our (male) vet at home Saumur is known to throw a fit when it's time for Coggins and vaccinations.

So yesterday at Judy's I reminded the (female) vet of Saumur's peculiarity. I kept the carrots coming while she put the meds in his vein. And wouldn't you know it: Not a problem at all!

Later on I mentioned to Judy and JP that what I thought all along is really true: Saumur clearly prefers women. To which JP dryly commented: "Well, so do I". Thumbs and hooves up for women - Good to know, boys :-)!

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