Thursday, October 16, 2014

Home again - and human hospital staff could learn a thing or two from the MSU VMC

Yesterday I got an excited call from Dr. Kopper, Saumur’s lead veterinarian at the MSU VMC (Michigan State University Veterinary Medical Center). She was very happy to tell me that Saumur was ready to go home. Yay! He got a clean bill of health, was bright eyed and bushy tailed*. 

The cause of Saumur's sudden illness is unknown. The fever, signs of colic, and low white blood cell count indicated enteritis (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract). The tests for Potomac Horse Fever came back negative.  But whatever it was, the massive doses of antibiotics plus fluids etc did the trick.

Saumur apparently got the message that it was time to go home, he loaded without fuss. As soon as we drove into our driveway the “reception committee” galloped up to the barn door to greet him. Saumur had some good rolls (in his opinion he was kept way too clean at the hospital), and then got back to the business of grazing. Teddy stayed glued to his side.

It was our first experience having to take a horse to the MSU VMC. I can honestly say we couldn’t be happier not only with the care Saumur received, but also the positive attitude and concern the veterinarians and staff showed. I received twice daily detailed updates; when we visited everyone was very nice and took great care to explain everything. And I’m sure Saumur was very appreciative of the bed –uh stall- side manners! A big Thank You!! Human hospital staff could learn a lot from you!

Now we need to get Saumur’s gut in balance again as the massive doses of antibiotics have destroyed the good bacteria. Our Equine Homeopath will come today with pre- and pro-biotics. BTW, I thought the cheap and easy way of feeding yoghurt might be a good idea - Not so: horses after six month of age can’t digest milk products!

*The allusion here is to the appearance of a squirrel, which with its beady eyes and bushy tail looks ready for anything

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