Tuesday, October 7, 2014

On the road... towards big time

Remy and his friends are rolling towards Kentucky. Lisa posted a picture after he had boarded, I swear Remy was smiling! I sure hope he keeps smiling this week, because to me it all sounds rather overwhelming:
600 horses
1780 rides
8 arenas
11 judges
Etc. etc.

I already ‘outed’ myself again as “very German”. Ah, it never ends. This time it was concerning Golf Carts, more precisely renting a golf cart for the week. Most of the competitors are renting carts due to the distances at the KHP. When asked I just shrugged it off, saying I’d rather walk. Emil’s saying “you have two good legs, you can walk” is never far. And walk I did all through my child hood, climbing with him in the Austrian Alps. And walk I still do, even though I now live in a country where people take their car to the mail box.

Good shoes (love my Ariat Performers) and sustenance (German chocolate) are of the essence. Speaking of sustenance: I am packing ‘emergency rations’, as I have learned the hard way that the food offered at horse shows is usually not something I will eat.

The offerings at the larger shows in Germany (ach ja, caught again) are quite different: I can almost taste the “Thueringer Rostbratwuerste”, “Bier vom Fass”, and last but not least Crepes with Nutella and Banana; and Champagne!

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