Thursday, October 9, 2014

In desperate need of a drink - KHP Day 2

After navigating six hours of road work and trying to fly under the radar of the Ohio State Police I arrived yesterday at the KHP at about 1 p.m. Kim's status updates on FB didn't help with my anxiety "Three Tornado Warnings!", And then the response to my text inquiry was: "Remy survived the Tornado". Hmm, OK, while scant still good news.

Remy hadn't been out of his stall since arriving Tuesday evening, so needless to say, he was flying higher than a kite once I took him out: Horses! Golf Carts! Tractors! More Horses, Golf Carts, Tractors... Andrea showed me how to put a chain on his halter (I had never done that but yesterday it clearly was an act of self-preservation). So we walked, and walked, and walked some more... for hours on end. Remy finally chilled. By the time I longed him in the early evening,and Judy schooled him he was fine. Big sigh of relief all around.

I, OTOH, was not so fine, a lack of food, water and sleep caught up with me. To top it off, I got lost on the way to the hotel. When I finally made it I was too tired to eat. I got a bottle of Kentucky Ale and fell into bed - only to wake up in the middle of the night with severe leg cramps. Sure, all that walking combined with dehydration will do that.

Today started much better, and Remy schooled well. It was smooth sailing... until I hand-walked him to the Rolex arena and what do we see: Driving Ponies pulling carts through the water complex = Remy on hind legs! We got by unscathed, but I hate to think what what have happened if I would have been on him. So... more walking, and he settled down

I hardly ever felt like I deserved (and needed) a drink like these last two days in Kentucky. Cheers to Kentucky Ale!

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