Monday, October 27, 2014

He is a "seat horse" - and passing on a "Thank You" from my BFF

I think we are enjoying the "last hurrah" of the Michigan weather. It's been picture perfect the last days, and we enjoyed scenic trail rides in the woods ablaze with color on the weekend.

Today it was time for our monthly clinic with Maryal. We swung by the barn to pick up Andrea and Simon, and off we went to Linda's and Vic's in Metamora. I couldn't help but point (again!) to their fabulous indoor arena and tell JPs "this is on top of my Christmas List!" Somehow I don't think Santa will fit down the chimney with it, though...

Remy and Simon are excellent traveling partners, and we arrived relaxed and happy. Maryal build on our work from last month. She really focuses on the rider's position in order to help the horse. Today she reminded me to lift my toes, and it was amazing how a seemingly little thing made a big change. By picking up my toes my leg muscles lay differently on the horse and thus making more impact with less work.

Another area we worked on is my core, and how moving it correctly can make the exercises to much easier. For example in the upward transitions, if I pick up my core I give Remy the space to come up in his withers. Or moving my core in the shoulder ins also made quite a change.

Maryal exclaimed "Oh, Remy is now a seat horse!" ("All of Judy's horses are seat horses"). That was a big compliment because it meant that Remy is truly on the seat aids - And may I say, not just Judy's but mine also :-) Yay!

So coming home we found a very fitting surprise in our mailbox from Stephanie (aka Schnucki II): A big box of Hanuta for Judy! (Hmm, none for me???)

Stephanie follows our trials and tribulations closely, and she obviously felt that Judy needed not only a big "Thank You!" but also some sustenance to continue working with us :-)

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