Monday, October 13, 2014

This is not the homecoming I had in mind: Midnight rush to the clinic

JP had hit the road right after Remy's last class; we were both rather nervous because Dolores, our regular farmsitter, is on vacation and we had to use someone unproven. Turns out we had all rights to be nervous: I was somewhere in Ohio when I received a call from JP - he had checked everyone at home right away and found Saumur down in his stall, obviously in great pain.

Luckily, Mike, our vet, lives around the corner. After administering pain meds and fluids he recommended to take Saumur to the MSU (Michigan State University) Large Animal Clinic, as Saumur didn't have any gut sounds. This indicated something was seriously wrong, and the potential need for colic surgery. Good plan - difficult execution: Saumur refused to load for JP and Mike.

I high-tailed home, putting the turbo charger in my car to good use while gritting my teeth that I would be able to fly under the radar of the ever vigilant Ohio State Police. And forget a bathroom stop. I made it home in -let's just say- good time, got Saumur onto the trailer and off we went. Of course, our GPS got us lost on campus, and we had to call the clinic several times for directions. By now it was close to midnight. 

Luckily, a team awaited us and they calmly and expertly examnined Saumur. I got queasy watching the IV line being sewn in, but more due to exhaustion, hunger and dehydration. Luckily it didn't look like he needed surgery. Saumur was put into a stall with the IV fluid bags hoisted overhead.

Update this morning: Saumur developed high fever overnight, they suspect that he might have contracted Potomac Horse Fever (even though he's vaccinated). We visited today and Saumur was a tough sight: Clearly depressed, and almost unresponsive. He is on heavy doses of antibiotics, and hopefully that will help fight whatever infection he has. I love my 'old man' so much -- and I am so thankful that we are able to give him all the care he needs. 

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