Saturday, October 4, 2014

To play or not to play is not the question - the boys turn into Ferkel

Actually, to be more precise, the question is "Let them play or not"?  When I looked out my kitchen window this morning my heart skipped a beat: Chambord and Remy were racing around, leaping in the air, mock fighting each other with their front legs, bucking, racing again ... I could hear their hoof beats in the house.

They definitely had a grand old time, and Saumur and Teddy were just slightly more 'sedate'. Of course, I love it when they have fun. But... with all the effort that goes into their training (and yes, all the expenses) the thoughts of Suspensory Injury! Broken leg! Pulled Tendons! are right with "Aw, look how they enjoy themselves!" To top it off, it was raining and 40F, the more reason for a lot of people to keep the horses in. 

The boys, however, are used to all day turnout. They have a huge covered porch, bedded and clean, where they can get out of the elements. Still, of course, the risk of injury through play remains. However, I could never deny them the joy of being horses. It's a risk that I am willing to take. And research has shown that a lot of injuries happen when horses are stalled or turned out in a small paddock. Life is unpredictable.

The local horse magazine "Saddle Up" featured a really good article by Juliet Getty, Ph.D. "Empty Fields Everywhere - Why Movement Is So Important". She lists all the problems lack or restricted turnout causes. I can say from experience that our boys are fitter and healthier than a lot of their pals. Ms Getty closes her article with "Confining a horse to a stall or small outdoor area without the ability to exercise leads to an animal who is mentally stressed and physically limited. Exercise, walking, grazing, socializing, and freedom to flee from perceived dangers are essential parts of what makes your horse a horse". 

So, while all this is nice and dandy... I am looking at three large and one small Ferkel (piglets) and wonder how to get them clean without turning into a Ferkel myself??

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