Remy had yesterday off but went right to work today. We are now truly working on 2nd level, with more collection, counter canter, and yes - our nemesis, the walk-canter departs. Remy was focused and concentrated, which got him the approval from Judy: "he is wearing his thinking cap today". I had to correct her, though, with the gentle reminder that I, too, am wearing my thinking cap - it's just hidden under my helmet.
After the lesson I realized how I now enjoy seeing the progress, instead of repeating the same basics over and over. Don't get me wrong, we are still working on the basics, of course, but now we can build on them also.
Bringing a young horse along is not for the faint of heart. I have to admit that I had moments (OK, more than I care to admit) of doubts if this is what I wanted to do. There are quite a few people in my immediate vicinity riding trained schoolmasters; they can go out and do their advanced stuff without having to worry about their 'kid' (hmm, in some cases, senior citizen) blowing up. And while they worry about getting the perfect tempi changes I worry about getting a good canter depart.
Even though it took me a while to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I can honestly say that "Make versus buy" was the right choice. It takes about two years for a true partnership between horse and rider to develop. I am thinking we are getting through the growing pains now, so hopefully we will have a very solid partnership later on.
Of course, I wouldn't say this if it weren't for the incredible support I am getting from Judy and JP. They both always had more faith in this partnership than I had; and with two (very different) 'relationship counselors' on our side I think Remy and I are well covered!