Friday, March 13, 2015

Frühlingsgefühle – and “It’s time to take the training wheels off!”

Last night Remy was more than forward, he basically gave the Energizer Bunny a run for the money. Spring is in the air, and with a pretty (horse) girl in the arena Remy’s Frühlingsgefühle (Spring Fever) were on full display.

That gave me the heads up for our lesson with Maryal today. I played it safe and put ‘Lothario’* on the longe line this morning. Good thing I did, Remy’s airs above the ground could have gotten him a job interview at the rodeo circuit. I had to remind him that the reward for good behavior was a weekend chilling with his friends at home. Wouldn’t you know it, under saddle I had a concentrated, motivated horse.

Maryal helped us tackle the three loop serpentine from 2nd level test 3. In preparation we had worked previously on “Small loop, large loop (counter canter), small loop”. One loop in that manner sufficed, and Maryal said with a smile “Birgit, it’s time to take the training wheels off!”. She drew the pattern for me, making sure I understood that I needed to stay perpendicular to the wall when crossing the center line. Piece of cake, Remy stayed balanced and collected throughout. When it’s good, it’s good!

On a high after the lesson I feel my own Frühlingsgefühle bubbling up – watch out!

*Lothario (Shakespeare character)
1.      A man amorously attentive to women (i.e. Casanova, Don Juan, Jean-Paul -of course'!)
2.      A man who seduces women

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