Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Welcome to mud season - and "Tell me how you like it"

Michigan weather is like a Porsche, you go from 0 to 100 in no time. We are almost up 60 degrees since last week. The boys enjoy being 'naked', meaning I pulled their blankets and sheets off on the weekend, when the temps reached the mid 40s. While these balmy temps feel really good, we have to 'pay' for it. All the melted snow water has seemingly nowhere to go, thus creating small rivers, flooding, mud, and pot holes that could swallow entire cars. But hey, I wanted warmer weather so I make an effort not to complain about the rest.

Driving to the barn today I was trying to get the playlists from my phone to work via Bluetooth in the truck. While fiddling around I hit the CD drive (which I never use) - and almost choked on the piece of chocolate I was eating: Justin Timberlake crooned full blast "TELL ME HOW YOU LIKE IT.. DO YOU LIKE IT LIKE THAT??" What the heck?? Seems SOMEONE in the family expanded from Cabrel to Timberlake.

Well, the song did the trick: It turned me on... to my ride that is! I was imagining Remy asking me during a shoulder in "Do you like it like that?" and during the counter canter "Is this how you like it?"

Made for a fun session, and yes, Remy, this is how I like it!

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