Sunday, March 22, 2015

Looks like we've got a lemon - in the form of a trailer

Well, despite being a very good student, Remy couldn't use his 'weekend-pass' - no wheels!

Two years ago we purchased a brand new two horse bumper pull trailer, all Aluminum, good reviews, dealer's wife a student of Judy's, super nice people at the dealership. Well, all that means squat when you end up with numerous tire blow outs (due to issues with the axles). Since we had the trailer it went through major repairs, and complete axle replacements.

The straw that broke the camels back (i.e. drove me over the edge, spewing the f.. word) was on Saturday when JP went to get hay with the trailer and sure enough, once again - tire blowout! He had to -once again- change the tire on the edge of a very busy freeway. The only saving grace was that this time no horses were on board.

So now the trailer has to go back ONCE AGAIN to the dealer, which is a three hour round trip and the dealer already told us they have no loaner available.

Tomorrow I'll see what customer service at the manufacturer will tell me, right now all I want to do is give this thing back and be done with it.

On to a search on 'lemon law'!

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