Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A few rough days - and my little couch potato helps me out

It's been a rough ride since last Friday. All was good until then, and I had an awesome birthday on Thursday. Friday morning I wasn't feeling well but wrote it off to too much Rilling (thanks, Stephanie!). Didn't feel like eating all day, but had a very good lesson with Maryal. She said Remy is coming along nicely, which was welcome affirmation.

Coming home right after the lesson I literally crumbled, and then it went downhill from there. By Sunday afternoon it was so bad that JP took me to the ER. By then I hadn't even kept water down since Friday night. Before JP could wheel me through the doors of the ER, bucket in my lap, the security guard asked if I had any weapons? Uh, no, I guess puking doesn't count as weapon.

The staff at the ER was great, I cannot imagine anyone in a German hospital saying "Don't worry, honey, we have you fixed up in no time" - rather, it would be "Pull yourself together! Your are not dying! Now sit there and wait four hours!" They pumped 2 liters of fluids into me and I started feeling better. The nice thing about our town is that wherever you go there are horse people. Sure enough, as soon as I could look straight again I was chatting with the nurse about our respective horses.

I wasn't sure how well I would be holding up in my lesson today, but low and behold, my little couch potato really came through for me. (Both Judy and I picture Remy sitting on the couch with his buds, drinking beer and eating popcorn while watching sports - Remy would say, "Sure, like any red blooded American guy!"). Amazingly, Remy was light on the aids, I didn't have to push him to work, it was pure fun! I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he felt my weakness (lost 5 pounds and still hadn't eaten much) and therefore gave me an awesome ride.

However, now that I got a glimpse of what can be I sure hope I don't have to repeat the experience to get an excellent ride just because Remy takes pity on me!

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