I received very nice feedback from the editor and voila:
"Remy goes to Summer Camp" was just published in the December edition of the USDF Connection magazine, including a cool picture of Brandt and Remy moving a steer.
Saumur, on the other hand, has had me concerned for a while. His excessive water intake did not amuse the 'room service': JP. He had to strip the stall daily because Saumur flooded it as he does not like to pee outside, I mean, he has a point - when the ground is hard it splashes his legs, and who likes that?? This in combination with certain changes in his body led me have Saumur tested for Insulin Resistance (IR) and Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS).
As suspected, Saumur tested positive for IR. Luckily at this stage it can be managed conventionally, by adjusting his food intake and adding supplements for his metabolism. However, the big bummer for Saumur is: No more apples, carrots, cookies -- and he lives for all of those. Our vet suggested giving him unshelled peanuts as treats. Let's just say that didn't go over well at all.
Saumur: "I worked hard all my life and all I'm getting now is peanuts?!?"
Me: "No worries, Saumur, you've got supplemental insurance - have some sugar free herbal treats!"
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