Monday, December 28, 2015

My 'minimalist' approach - and Chambord and I have more than one thing in common

Ambitious plans for this week: A lesson every day! Well, as they say: The best laid plans... Judy had checked the weather forecast and texted me to suggest to bring Remy earlier than planned. Unfortunately, the weather changed right at that time to freezing rain, ice and sleet. This meant another day off for Remy.

It also meant that I dug out the sheets for Remy and Chambord. "Finally!" - some of the people at the barn are most likely are saying. When it comes to horse keeping I try to keep my approach very minimalistic, meaning no sheets if it's over 30F, and blankets only when the temperatures plummet into the teens and below. Saumur and Teddy go 'naked', as they both have very long and fluffy winter hair. Chambord, alas, is not blessed when it comes to thick hair. If he were human he would hit the Rogaine aisle. His coat is shiny but fine, and there is virtually no difference between summer and winter. So on with the waterproof sheet today (he was clearly happy to get to wear it, no fussing, looking for treats etc. while I buckled him in). Remy has a winter hair coat, but being at Judy's during the week he has not shelter during turn out, so he needs added protection.

All four of them are -gasp- barefoot, usually from November through April (Remy and Chambord) and all year round (Saumur and Teddy). They have good hooves, and being barefoot gives added traction on snow and ice. The other option would be shoes with borium, but I like to give their hooves a chance to grow naturally - with regular trims by our farrier, of course. Only a horse person can swoon over 'perfect feet' like I do over Remy's.

So the minimalist approach works fine for the boys - but what about me? Tja, different story... plenty of performance shirts, vests, winter riding pants (all color coordinated, of course!), winter riding boots, and the warmest gloves I can possibly find. After all, Chambord and I have more than our love for JP in common: We are both blonde and we don't grow winter coats!

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