Friday, December 18, 2015

"He hasn't changed - your expectations have"

Mondays are not “Remy-Days”, especially if he had the weekend off. Most of the time he goes back to work in a whiny mood “Really, do I have to?I don’t feel like it, I’d rather be out playing! You want me to listen to your leg, uh, what leg?”

That is about how the conversation went, with me trying my hardest to get Remy in the mood. Finally, I had to lay the law down “Just do it – because I said so, darn it!” OK, I realize that is not what any horse guru/whisperer would approve. But Remy got the message and from there on he was light and responsive to the aids.

Judy saw my frustration, because of course, I would rather have Remy to say “yes, ma’am” right away. But really this is nothing new, as Judy pointed out “he hasn’t changed – your expectations have”.

Sorry, bud, it’s too late to lower my expectations now: Guess you have to get with the program! And may I remind you – your work load doesn’t warrant an additional hire.

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