We started upping the degree of difficulty in my lessons, according to Judy: "Third Level is not the goal, it's just a stepping stone". So we practiced cantering straight up the center line (entry at 4th level). Sounds easy enough, but it actually is not. It took me several tries to get it right, collected canter with engagement AND staying straight.
Even 'under a virus' I am riding so much better than usually - because I am not stressed out from work. Duh! In theory, the idea of taking two afternoons off to ride (for a pay cut) sounded great. In reality "it ain't working too well" - meaning I work even more hours now than before, just on a different schedule. I'm always harried, and I think one of the reasons the virus could get such a hold of me is that I was just worn out.
So I am enjoying this Christmas break tremendously, and having rides where it feels like I am on gentle wave are taking me up to the clouds!
Today JP and I went on a beautiful Christmas trailride, we had the park seemingly to ourselves, and thoroughly enjoyed the quiet and sunshine.
Afterwards the boys hung out and Remy played "King of the Hill" with Chambord while Saumur and Teddy -in the spirit of Christmas- stuck to the manger.
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