Sunday, January 3, 2016

Creating a new fashion trend? - and the boy found the "Go" button again

Yesterday I went on a rare trip to Costco with JP. Usually I avoid it, it's too large for me. While hunting for family size apple sauce containers (to mix Teddy's meds) we came by a table that had stacks of down filled skirts. People were standing around wondering "who would possibly wear a down skirt?" (It's not exactly slimming). Well, I immediately said "I will!" - it's perfect for the barn. The skirts have zippers on both sides, so easy on, easy off over riding pants, and I'm warm and toasty while grooming and puttering around.

Sure enough, today I spend four hours at the barn and I was more than happy to be wearing the skirt. I think I started a new fashion trend, as the other riders thought it was a great idea and all wanted one - and for $15 you can't beat the deal!

It was time for saddle fitting again. Chambord's saddle hadn't been adjusted since we bought it, and it was too tight in the front. Luanne, the certified saddle fitter, came today and put everyone in the "sweet spot" (center of the saddle) again.

Remy's withers had come up more, his shoulder area broadened, and so his saddle also pinched in front. I have struggled for some time with keeping him in front of my leg, and I also have had a hard time keeping my legs in the right position. After Luanne worked her magic (changing the tree and flocking) it was amazing how Remy felt after the adjustment:

The boy found his "go" button again - just like it says on my license plate!

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