Thursday, January 21, 2016

Driving my car and riding Remy: Applying some of the same strategies

Driving home yesterday the thought crossed my mind that I should be riding Remy like I drive my car. No, not zipping through lanes and under-cornering curves (I hear Judy bellow “Corners!”, “Why are you cutting the corner?!”).  I believe the more sedate version of this would give Remy more confidence in a crowded arena.

American driving habits for the most part irritate the heck out of me: Hogging the left lane while going 20 miles below the speed limit, idling at green light because the make-up needs to be fixed, or –gasp- shaving! And then let’s not forget being distracted by the phone, texting, finding the right DVD for the kids to watch in the back seat… 

Warm up arenas at dressage shows are not much different: People pointedly ignoring the “left should to left shoulder” passing rule, slower riders causing backups on the track, or stopping altogether, blocking the track because of the oh so important phone call, etc. etc.

When I drive I’m committed to getting to where I need to be in the most efficient way. And, umh, yes, admittedly, not always at the speed limit. But I am COMMITTED, I don’t stray and waver. I do pass left lane hoggers on the right lane while longing for my driving days in Germany when a quick flash of the lights would get people out of my way because everyone knows you leave the left lane for passing (faster) cars.

So, in my mind I just need to transfer my driving strategies to riding and voila – no problems: Just get the heck outta my way!


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