Sunday, January 24, 2016

Yin Yoga, Shoulder-in, haunches-in - and Namaste

On my way back from Yin* yoga practice today I was feeling limber and quite virtuous because I was able to go deeper into stretches than before and not once did I have to 'breathe through the pain'. Yin yoga is based on floor postures that are held longer to bring flexibility to hips, lower back, and shoulders. In addition the focus is on breathing, quieting the mind, and my favorite at the end - extended savasana (relaxation).

Initially, I didn't find it very appealing - not enough action combined with rather painful stretches and a feeling of inadequacy when the limber teenager next to me effortless mastered the poses. Who needs this? Well, obviously I do! Interestingly our instructor today mentioned that we tend carry trauma in our hips, and the way my hips are tight I must have had way more trauma than I realize?

Once again, I thought about yoga and riding. On Friday we had a very good lesson with Maryal, and some of her exercises I now consider "Yoga for Remy". Shoulder-in on the track, moving to shoulder-in on the second track, and then back to the track with the haunches leading. Other version: Haunches-in on the first track moving to haunches in on the second track and then back to the track with the shoulders on a straight line. Lots of stretching involved for the boy!

I do picture him afterwards neighing "Namaste", putting the eye pillow on and going into deep savasana. That's about what I do, I just try to keep the neighing down!

*Yin yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga with poses, or asanas, that are held for longer periods of time—five minutes or more per pose is typical.
Yin yoga poses apply moderate stress to the connective tissues of the body—the tendons, fascia, and ligaments—with the aim of increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility. A more meditative approach to yoga, yin aims at cultivating awareness of inner silence, and bringing to light a universal, interconnecting quality. (Wikipedia)

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