Sunday, January 31, 2016

Making progress - and riding books are like a box of chocolates

Saturday's ride was a big step in the right direction - both Remy and I kept our cool while horses were cantering around us. It was one of the rare occasions where I actually was happy with myself: I was able to give Remy the confidence that he didn't need to freak out in company. We had a very good lesson, Remy felt supple, relaxed, in front of my leg and we were able to do canter half-passes - correct ones. I'll book that one under "all around success"!

Being a confirmed "book-aholic" I am currently reading three very different books on riding. My dear friend Glenda gave me for my birthday Lt. Col. A.L. d'Endrödy's "Give your horse a chance". This is a fabulous book! The author was one of Hungary's most famous riders, an instructor of instructors, and a member of the Olympic team. Even more fascinating: He commenced work on the manuscript while being in a Russian POW camp at the end of WWII. He wrote it on any scrap of paper that he could scrounge up, working on it with fellow horsemaster and POW, Gabor Foltenyi. (It is very special to Glenda, as she has spent her formative years under the tutelage of Gabor).

The other two books are "Dressage in Harmony" by Walter Zettl, and "When Two Spines Align" by Beth Baumert. Both books were highly recommended by Maryal.

These three books (and all the others in my library) made me think of Forrest Gump's "Life is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you get". It's a bit like that with books, you never know what you get until you really read them - and then you pick out your favorite pieces.

Reminded me of the time I was working in Brussels with all the wonderful Confiseries offering the best of the best of chocolates 'fait maison' at almost every street corner: You try them all, some you bite in and say "ok, good, but not my favorite", some will make you swoon, and you will always go back  for more!

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